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Type 98 no hamon or stamps?

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I recently acquired a type 98 sword with the blade and fittings in good shape. However, there are no stamps or signature on the nagako and the blade appears to not have a hamon. What’s the story behind these blades? Stainless steel? Standard arsenal blade? God forbid a reproduction?


sorry, the only picture I have at the moment. Just curious what I got.




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4 hours ago, ribendao said:

What’s the story behind these blades?


Hello Jonathan,


Welcome .....'buy first ask questions later' can be a little dangerous but it happens to many of us.


Go to the NMB Home Page and then click on the following ........

Nihonto Info


Info 2

Military Swords of Japan - Ohmura San


Then just look at Type 98 swords, that will be a good start.


Importantly, by clicking through the vast amount of information that the NMB home page has available,  it will hopefully open  up some avenues for you for future reference. 


Stainless (or rust resistant) blades are often associated with Kai Gunto (Navy equivalent of the Type 98) but they are everywhere.... so again, use NMB search function with key words ' Type 98 stainless ' and you will find a lot.


As Matt suggested, you need way more pictures particularly of blade, kissaki, tang for a start.  Otherwise its more speculation than fact.  From that one pic it looks ok to me though.


Have a read, wait for it to arrive, take many good pics and post them and I am sure you will receive informative feedback.





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On 6/19/2024 at 3:40 PM, ribendao said:

I recently acquired a type 98 sword with the blade and fittings in good shape. However, there are no stamps or signature on the nagako and the blade appears to not have a hamon. What’s the story behind these blades? Stainless steel? Standard arsenal blade? God forbid a reproduction?


sorry, the only picture I have at the moment. Just curious what I got.




As already mentioned, the NON-alternating tsuka ito is the first thing I noticed. The shinogi looks to almost be halfway down the blade, nearly centered. The button on the fuchi is plain, not normal. The fuchi edge looks to be rolled upwards, as in poor quality stamping or a thin casting. Lastly, the habaki looks to be off at the top, as-in the cut out for the mune' is too small. A shot of the nakago would help alot. So far, I'm leaning towards reproduction.

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