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Yasunori shin-Gunto ?

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        Picked this one up today amongst at Birmingham amongst a pile of Gunto…I’m not very good at reading mei but think it’s Yasunori….Always a good sign with silver habaki ,pierced tsuba and gilded mounts…Blade is very elegant and beautifully balanced with a deep suguha hamon….











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Can't help with the mei but really fantastic find Paul and it looks to be in untouched original  condition .

Such a pleasing sugata 


Congratulations ..bet you smiled to yourself on that journey home .

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50 minutes ago, John C said:

Date looks like May 10th, Showa 15 (1940)?


?和十五年五月吉日 Probably reads as a lucky day in May 1940.


Note the use of a pierced tsuba on a 1940 dated sword.

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Thanks to all for the information..much appreciated….Couldn’t believe people were picking it up and putting it down and to be honest I thought it was an old blade which is my preferred choice…I won’t say how how much but every sword was under 1k…



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Wow Paul, that looks great!


I've never been to the Birmingham arms fair (assuming it was from here since it was today), I always assumed it would be really expensive - but I think I'll show up to the next one... Congrats again :) 

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Thanks to everyone for the information and comments…Blade is in superb condition,seppa and tsuba are numbered 49 and the saya is the lightweight wooden type….Nakago has had the active rust treated and stabilised…




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          No mon on the tsuka Volker and yes the habaki is silver foil….Trystan , photo’s of the lightweight saya and fittings attached and for comparison the lightweight saya on a 23rd Generation Kanefusa….




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19 minutes ago, paul griff said:




Ah, the Shoheikan Gunso Kabushiki Gaisha stamp.  The shop made "army and navy koshirae.  They also adverstise a wood saya gunto koshirae.  The company was located in Tokyo and owned by Mr. Saito" -- Chris Bowen; Fuller & Gregory, "Japanese Military and Civil Swords and Dirks", pg 227.

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6 hours ago, paul griff said:



I thought your Yasunori came with a lightweight wood saya from 尚兵館株式會社(Shoheikan Kabushiki Kaisha), that's why I asked for the photo of the scabbard throat.

尚兵館(Shoheikan)has an excellent reputation for their wood saya. By the way, they are the exclusive distributor for the 23rd generation Kanefusa.





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