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Thanks Barry in closed are a few pictures of the blade harmon. I have a good camera and found this is hard to do taking pictures of a polished blade.





nice looking wak, its all in light and angle of shot to show what you want us to see.


If you have a nice flatbed scanner use a color background like this and youll get alot of acitivity.



Although their are no markings I thought I would show pictures of the second sword from the top. It's clear to me this was once a full lenght sword that got cut back.

Dow C






Hey Dow,

What makes you think that sword was cut down. I would think that first ana to the end would be the original one. It doesn't look surige to me?

But I only have part of a pic.


Thanks for the info on the tang marks. The reason I think the unmarked tang sword was cut down is their are two holes instead of one on the tang. And the habaki does not match the cut out on the sword spine. If the sword is original lenght I think the fittings, mounts, ect are not original to the sword. Anyway opinions are most welcome.

Dow C


The fittings on that sword look very 'thrown' together. The wrap on the tsuka is very bad.

I think this one was just a bunch of fittings that were put on a blade that fit. Or not, as the case may be.

None of these fittings match as a set that I can tell. They do look 'real', as to say they are likely Japanese. Not the wrap! The menuki could be a replica. The tsuba is kinda interesting, with the added rim and all.

I would like to see more pics of that blade though.

The second hole was likely made to fit the handle at hand. That is a big mistake, unless for a VERY good reason. A handy tsuka isn't one of them for sure. But it happens.

I don't think that sword was cut down at all.


This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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