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Interesting Type 95 NCO

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I just got this Type 95 as part of a group. Blade is serial number 93458 but saya is 120429. I am figuring that the saya was swapped in the field. Along with the field work theory, I noticed there is no upper mekugi, like the copper handles. It is only held on by the lower sarute. You can clearly see the smooth area where the hole should be, but nothing. The leather tassel is not correct for this type of tsuba and should have the buckle, but I’m not complaining.

Open to discussion on this one.









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32 minutes ago, Bruce Pennington said:

Interesting to read the provenance story at the end of the previous thread.  He's certain the tassel came with the gunto.  So, it must have been a replacement, too, using whatever was available.

I chatted with him online, and over the phone. Very nice gentlemen and I have no reason to doubt that all 5 swords he had, has been in his family for the past 50 years. The one I posted in the "Island Sword" thread may be a 50 year old Chinese reproduction, but a good quality reproduction. I still lean towards it being a lower quality island made piece. Enough about that one, back to NCO swords!

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