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  • 2 months later...

Due to an insufficient number of submissions for the UK shinsa, we have regrettably had to cancel the shinsa for the foreseeable future.


A factor may be the UK/world economic situation or perhaps a general lack of interest at this time.


With the UK £ being weak against the yen/$, the suggested price of £100 would most likely have needed to be increased by approximately £25 per item, which would probably have affected the number of submissions even further.


We would like to thank everyone who has provisionally submitted items for the shinsa, especially those of you who submitted more items than you initially wanted in an effort to make the shinsa a success.


We will wait and see how the economy improves and try again in the future.


Peter, Both yourself, Paul and Tony have put a lot of effort into this event and it has been very much appreciated. It was a brave attempt on all your parts and you deserve to succeed. As I see it the basic structure and your data base are still in place. Sending swords for shinsa in Japan is now just about impossible for us Europeans so holding one here becomes the only option to get blades and fittings papered. I appreciate why you decided to delay the event and agree it was inevitable, but I feel you should treat it only as a delay. I would suggest you sound out the Japanese for a slot late next year and see if people will still back you. I for one certainly will. We are still with you all the way.

Ian Bottomley


Peter - how disappointing. :( I'll amend my page to reflect the latest turn of events. I hope it works out at a later date.


Ian - it is not that impossible. I've got a couple of swords coming back from shinsa shortly, followed by a jumonji yari and a naginata, and I am arranging to send two swords over to Japan for the next Tokubetsu Hozon shinsa on behalf of their owners. The trickiest thing is avoiding paying extra tax when the swords re-enter the UK. There is a bit of hoop-jumping to do there. The pound/yen exchange rate can be a pain, but the pound isn't as weak as it was a while back, and it may improve, depending on what the lot in government get up to with the economy.



  • 4 months later...

The new year 2011 makes me feel optimistic, and thus I dare to enquire: Are there any chances of resurrecting the idea of a UK (or European) NTHK/NPO shinsa?


Happy new year to all nihontophiles, on any continent!



BR, Veli

The new year 2011 makes me feel optimistic, and thus I dare to enquire: Are there any chances of resurrecting the idea of a UK (or European) NTHK/NPO shinsa?


Happy new year to all nihontophiles, on any continent!



BR, Veli


Unfortunately, since the NTHK-NPO will be in the US in 2011, there will not be a 2011 shinsa in the UK.....


Hopefully this will happen at some point in the near future....


I had a chat with a Customs Officer not long back, and the conversation turned to the cancelled shinsa. He advised letting Customs officially know in advance (presumably in writing) of any future shinsa so that swords weren't held up . He told me that this is what has happened with preparations for the Olympics, so that competitors' equipment is sped through Customs and available on the day.


Just thought that the info might help.



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