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This post is not to " have a go" at any one individual or indeed any group. But I have yet to see anything on either of the british sword society's web site's informing their members of a possible

Shinsa team in England in the Autumn of 2010. I would have thought that it should be part of the whole idea of a web site to inform the nembers of such an event






Speaking for To-ken Society of GB, we have had no confirmation that this will happen. All I have seen are (apart from NMB) notes stating that there may be a shinsa, but no indication of where or when it will take place. It is my impression that at the moment, certain individuals are simply testing the viability of such an event, but not comiting to it.

If and when things are more definite, we will certainly publicise it on our website, especially as the organisers are personal acquaintances of mine.


Clive Sinclaire


We are roughly half way with provisional bookings now. Another 150 bookings and the shinsa will be a go for Autumn 2010.


I would think any UK collector should jump at the chance to get kodogu or swords papered without any of the risk/high costs of sending to Japan. This will be the first kodogu shinsa in the UK for several years.


Please keep the bookings coming folks.


Hi Peter,

Thank you for the information regarding the "possible

Shinsa" you have done well, with out advertising by our G.B.

Societys I dont see how we can really "fairly" test the Waters,or Commit to something that would be very costly if not enough wanted to support this idea.


Tony Norman.


Maybe NMB Forum can do a special by mailing a newsletter to everyone to rally support for this initiative ?

Just an idea ... With some 1300 members this forum can really reach out. :)


All, The Northern ToKen Society now has details of this shinsa on its website and full details will appear in our newsletter going out to members in the next weeks. Since this event is being privately organised by members of the Society, and not by the Society itself, it would have been presumptuous of us to advertise it until the organisers requested us to do so. Now that they have, we will do all we can to help the organisers make this a success.

Ian Bottomley

Chairman of the Northern ToKen Society


Hi Ian,

Good to see the advert, and booking form up & running

on Northern Token Society U.K. for the proposed N.T.H.K. N.P.O. Shinsa.

The fact that Kodogu can be submitted is for my part great.

Thank you Northern Token Society. :clap:

Best regards.

Tony Norman.

  • 2 weeks later...

The shinsa is now open to all for an unlimited number slots.


If anyone wishes to increase their number of items please send me an email at:




Just to clear up some confusion on the price. It is **estimated** that it will cost approximately £60 to submit and then an additional £40 if your item passes.





  • 2 weeks later...

If we do not receive sufficient bookings by the end of January 2010 we will be forced to postpone the shinsa.


Please keep the bookings coming, if you would like to take any extra slots please contact us ASAP.


Hi Peter,

That is a shame, I was looking foreward to owning

some papered kodogu by Christmas.

Thanks to you and Paul for trying. Perhaps in the spring off 2011?

Best regards,


Would a small increase in the submition fees cover the missing 90 slots? just a thought...



Hi Robert,


The problem with increasing the cost is that we would likely then lose a few bookings so end up in the same boat.


We will continue to allow booking of slots even if the shinsa is postponed and try to reschedule for 2011.




Well it would be a shame to postpone the shinsa but perhaps you will get the remaining 90 registrations till the end of January.

I just registered an item (did not know about this earlier :oops: ) and think that with a little bit more advertisement you should get the remaining registrations quite easily.






Any improvement on that figure yet?

I must admit to some bewilderment when looking at the number of swords on offer that are not papered,and this view has been re-inforced by other collectors I have spoken to.

I would have thought that an uncluttered way to get some verification would have been well supported,so I remain perplexed.




Just a reminder that if anyone would like to take extra slots please get in touch ASAP.




We still need around 50 more items for the shinsa to proceed. The deadline has been extended and if we can reach this amount in the next few weeks the shinsa will still go ahead for Autumn this year.


I would just like to point out that at an estimated cost of around £65 an item this is great value for money. To send a sword or fitting to Japan would cost far more and this saves you all of the hassle/risk with shipping.


We will be publishing a biography of the shinsa judges planning to attend on our website soon.


I'll speak to the SA'fricans here. May be one or 2 guys with the interest and money to fly there for the shinsa, and maybe take some swords for us to the shinsa.

I know I would love to send some of mine if it was possible.




Thank you everyone for your offers of assistance.


For anyone that would like to discuss the shinsa in person all of the organisers, myself included, will be at the Birmingham militaria fair this coming Sunday. You will be able to find us around the Northern Token Society stand.

  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately the 300 minimum shinsa slots were not preliminary booked and reluctantly the UK London shinsa has been postponed for 2010.


We would like to thank everyone who offered swords and kodogu for the shinsa. Maybe we can try again next year if there is sufficient interest.


We would also like to thank the NTHK-NPO along with Chris Bowen for all the help and support they have shown in recent months.


Peter, May I offer my sympathy to both you and Paul? I know you have both done your best in trying to launch this event. Delaying it until next year may well be for the best, particularly if the economy revives somewhat. I'm sure you know that the Northern ToKen will continue to offer what help it can.

Ian Bottomley


Sadly, .... I think the Political climate in the UK vis-a-vis the UK Sword Ban has as much or MORE to do with the lack applications for the proposed Shinsa than the Economic climate. People from other countries ( Europe let alone North America ) will and for good enough reason avoid hassles with idiotic bureocrats, ... in this case UK Customs with their treasured swords. I attended a Shinsa years ago in Toronto, ... when the post 9-11 bullshit hadn't yet occurred, and I spent the entire trip wondering which Air Line employee would suppliment his income at my expense. Call it paranoia, .... but it is a whole different world out there. Sadly I am convinced that the trend we are seeing here in Canada and the USA to fewer and fewer Gun Shows are more to do with the hassles of inconvenient travel security ( politics ) rather than lack of money or enthusiasm. ... Ron Watson


If numbers allow we hope to reschedule the shinsa for 2011. All of the bookings made will be held on file and we will be in touch later this year when we have a clearer picture of the situation.


Bookings will also continue to be taken for the shinsa so if anyone would like a slot please send me an email.


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Tony Norman who provided a great deal of assistance and support for the shinsa. Tony went to great personal cost to assist and has worked tirelessly in helping to get the shinsa off the ground.


Thanks also go out to Ian Bottomley and Steve Smith of the Northern Token Society who's support was greatly appreciated. Finally we would also like to thank Chris Henry for his assistance in all matters financial.

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