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Are yatate kamagiri just small kogatana?

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I've been looking for purpose-made kamagiri for some yatate and I cannot seem to find any. Are they just small kogatana or are there some specially made for yatate?

Inquiring minds want to know...


John C.

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They look like small kozuka, John, but more simply made.

The ones I have seen tend to have a brass wrap-around handle enfolding a kozuka-like steel blade. I'll see if I can find one to photograph for you. Not sure if they were all a standard size, or individually tailored to the yatate.(?)


Watch this space... (although I think they were probably posted in the smaller blades thread).


PS This intriguing word Kamagiri is new to me. Need to check it out! :thumbsup:

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25 minutes ago, Bugyotsuji said:


Thanks, Piers. It's kamakiri (praying mantis). As usual, I misspelled it. (I dove into the shallow end of the gene pool.)

Now I know what to look for.


John C.

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