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Hey fellas, 


A couple of months ago my great uncle showed me his swords while I was visiting him in Japan. Now I want to start collecting nihonto. I'm wanting to buy a katana, in good condition, but my budget is fairly small, only 2000 AUD. I was wondering if you guys could help me. I'm also wondering if I should just save up some more money. 




My $0.02: Take a small bit of that money to buy a few books (plenty of recommendations here if you search) and save more in the meantime. 

By the time your budget is sufficient you’ll have a better idea of what you like and how to go about acquiring it. 

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2000AUD should get you a reasonable sword. I agree with the advice given above, but should you want something...make sure the buyer is reputable and I'm sure you'll find something. Bear in mind that $2000 will get you a decent wakizashi but a poor to fair katana. Wakizashi are good bang for the buch when starting out. Am sure you'll get pm offers.

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Depends what 'good condition' stands for you. If you want perfect Hadori polish or Koshirae then 2k$ is enough for Wakizashi but not for Katana. I'm talking here about antiques. Again, all depends on condition. Also, with that budget I won't be aiming on prestigious smiths work.  


Can you be more precise on what Katana do you have in mind? History period, Koshirae, smith, polish? Maybe an example of Katana you saw and wish for? 

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