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Ray, no it’s not, but you have taken this a step closer than skewered Easter bunnies.

If I don’t reply for the next few hours, candles out is fast approaching in the monastery.


PS But I did coincidentally do a big gun clean this morning after yesterday’s display.

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I’d be guessing without resorting to cheating! So I’d guess maybe some type of lamp or maybe fibres from stem used for fabric. Personally as a lad I’d have soaked them in pitch, tied them to an arrow, set fire to them and let em fly …..and prayed I didn’t set fire to the haystacks. You could do that sort of thing living on a farm🙂

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Yes, :) essential part of your kit for lighting match cord for your matchlock(s). The Netsuké also act as bowls for protecting the lighting process.


Yesterday on the main steps of Tsuyama Castle.





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Interesting Piers…..even a striker cover gets a dragon! I love little things like these. Tried to buy a couple of iron netsuke tinder lighters …..think they had a mechanism inside? Guess they would use bulrush? I was outbid though….most annoying☹️
Sleep tight, nite nite.🙂

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