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I'd appreciate some help here folks. Samurai swords are not my strong area yet I have two with these markings on the tangs. Any thoughts on their meanings or ideas on where i should go to look?
Many thanks!




Marking on the bottom sword (2nd picture) is the smith's name: 兼吉 (Kaneyoshi)


The marking on the top sword should also be the smith's name, but part of it is obscured (or missing) so I can't make it out. Something + 國之 (~Kuniyuki), but the part before that is unclear, so I don't know if Kuniyuki is the smith's name, or if those two characters have some other significance.

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Assuming Kuniyuki is the smith, according to Sesko’s A-Z Swordsmiths of Japan, only 3 Kuniyuki’s signed with that form of “yuki”.  The last smith listed is modern and the nakago indicates some age.


KUNIYUKI (国之), Kenmu (建武, 1334-1338), Bizen – “Bishū Osafune-jū Kuniyuki” (備州長船住国之), it is said that he worked before in Sagami province, probably in Kamakura or in Yamanouchi, it is said that he bore the priest
name Shinki (神気)

KUNIYUKI (国之), Eishō (永正, 1504-1521), Higo – “Kiki chi-jū Bitchū no Kami Kuniyuki” (菊池住備中守国之), Sue-Enju school

KUNIYUKI (国之), Heisei (平成, 1989- ), Fukuoka – “Kuniyuki” (国之), real name Udo Toshiyuki (宇戸敏之)



The NAKAGO in the first picture is a bit mysterious as it looks old, considering the corrosion, but the surface is much better where the signature is. To be able to make a safer guess, I suggest that you post better photos of the full NAKAGO plus at least one of the full blade. 

Preferably, photos are taken directly from above (tip upwards) with light from the side and against a dark background. This will transfer most of the details.

The second NAKAGO shows a TACHI MEI which could be a hint to a smith or school.



yes, thank you, the photo is good, but there remains some doubt on the signature. There might be a KIZU on the tang near the first KANJI (RAI ?),  but it could also be a rest of an erased KANJI. 

Something for the experts!

On 3/12/2024 at 12:18 AM, Swordsman62 said:

Thanks Mark that is very helpful - what's your thought on which of the first two it might be?


Unfortunately, that is a bit above my pay grade.  Regarding a good pic of the nakago, take a pic of the entire nakago that includes about 2” above the machi and all the way to the end of the nakago.  It will help to see how nakago is finished, if suriage or machi okuri, overall condition, etc.  As previously stated, it appears part of the mei (one or more characters) has been damaged or removed.  Another helpful pic would be an overall pic of the whole blade showing size and shape.

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