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Hello everyone,
I have two questions. According to this page:




Komiya Shiro Kunimitsu managed Chikushi Gunto Tanren Branch in 1943. Do any of you have more information / photos about the Chikushi Gunto Tanren?


The second question also relates to the link. Does anyone have any information about Sonoda Tsumoru? Unfortunately I can't find anything.


Thank you.

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ok ok, I've done my homework :-D
There was no Sonoda Tsumoru. That's a translation error. Sonoda Seki (園田積) is correct and that is the father of Komiya Shiro Kunimitsu shodai.

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This is what I have for Hirohisa 久廣 in 1937.

氏名 Full Name: 武藤・秀吉 Mutō Hideyoshi?.

刻銘 Inscription: 久廣 Hisahiro.

住所 Address: 福岡縣三潴郡大川町酒見四八六 Fukuoka-ken Mizuma-gun Ōkawa-machi Sakami 487.

徒弟ノ数 Number of Apprentices: 一 (1).

資本 Capital: 2、000¥.

製造能力 Manufacturing Capacity: 一ケ月 一五 15 per month.

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Hello Thomas, 

thank you for your information. Perhaps this Hirohisa -> Signature Hisahiro is the older brother of Mutō (Hachirō) Yukihiro and Mutō (Hideyoshi) Hidehiro.

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To conclude this topic, this photo.

It was taken around 1952 in front of the Komiya family home in Omuta, Kyushu. I can't say 100% whether the translation is correct.

Pic Muto and Komyia family.png

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Hi Peter, not sure if any of this 1937 information helps, but better safe than sorry.  Thanks for posting that interesting photograph.



氏名 Full Name: 小宮・四郎 Komiya Shirō.

刻銘 Inscription: 小宮四郎國光 Komiya Shirō Kunimitsu.

住所 Address: 大牟田市東新町二ノ六 Ōmuta-shi Higashishin-machi 2-6.

徒弟ノ数 Number of Apprentices: 一 (1).

製造能力 Manufacturing Capacity: 一ケ月 五 5 per month.

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