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I finally received my tanto from Japan. Lovely nihontou, but I just have a question: Why is it so small, especially the width? (L-in inches, width in c.m.)








Because the smith made it that way, and because you bought it that way.


But then why or for what purpose did he make such a small Tanto? Hmmm... they came in all sizes. 


(How does your u-no-kubi blade length work out in centimeters?)


13 minutes ago, Bugyotsuji said:

Because the smith made it that way, and because you bought it that way.


But then why or for what purpose did he make such a small Tanto? Hmmm... they came in all sizes. 


Sorry, i'm a novice at tanto collecting. That's why I asked.


It's a good question to stir the old brain cells, Henry. I had to ask myself, would a lady fancy such a shape? But no answer came. I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts.


I have a tanto which lacks a kurikata sageo cord bridge. A collector friend said "Oh, this makes it for a lady." Another collector friend said, "No, not necessarily." I am still learning.


For example, we can find ladies in kimono wearing tanto decoratively at the kimono foldover.


Such a tanto could be used for self-defense, or more likely, as Stephen suggests, for suicide to prevent desecration and protect virtue.


(But is this one designed for a woman? And in the case of defensive attack or suicide, I can imagine a lady using anything to hand, e.g. that of a retainer, or even her husband's blade.)


I was just throwing out the idea of it being for a lady but as you note, that's probably wrong.

What about something simple like the smith didn't have enough steel to make a thicker blade? Could be any number of reasons.


John C.

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