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Naginata naoshi katana in ww2 mountings

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Personal opinion:

It does look like an old attribution to Mitsuhiro who is a relatively recognized name, made in a bit unusual fashion on osuriage blade.

This is koto, and quite possibly can be a Bizen blade. There is not much to see on such photographs but nothing seen contradicts Bizen.

The big question is whether this is (early) Muromachi with a real attribution like say the last of Omiya school (for example) or its Nambokucho and possibly to a bigger name. Statistically one has to be conservative.

To make a determination though really good photos are need, or to see it in hands etc.. Its not clear how much its out of polish. 

If you are thinking of parting with it, I would be interested in buying.


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Thank you all for your help and information. NMB is a great place and a lot of members are always willing to help. Thanks for that.

How old the blade is and to who it is attributed is the big question. I'm always conservative with blades especially when no papers. Unfortunately, my photography skills are bad and capturing more details of the blade is not possible. 

Regards, Ed

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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