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"Rare metals" from computers for Ancient Blade Koshirae

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“We want to use metals from ‘urban mines’ (stockpiles of rare metals) recovered from discarded computers and smartphones to make koshirae,” said Teppei Eguchi of Kogei Next who is tasked with producing the mountings. “It will be an effort to blend the past and the present to make something that will be remembered by history.”


Interesting idea, just don't know how I feel about that.  Mixed feelings.  Cool blade, though.

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Guest Simon R

I think it's a great idea as long as they use traditional designs and it doesn't end up looking like something from Tron!

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6 hours ago, Simon R said:

I think it's a great idea as long as they use traditional designs and it doesn't end up looking like something from Tron!

RGB koshirae anyone?


I'll see myself out now...


In seriousness though, recycled metals from e-waste will yield raw gold, copper, etc. which would be the same starting point for making traditional looking fittings/koshirae. The thing about computers and technology is that they change every year. Anything computer related that is "cool" now, will be outdated and useless 10 years from now. The exact opposite of this blade which is still in pristine condition hundreds of years later. 


Interesting concept.

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The following metals are found in electronic devices:

Au Gold
s Osmium
Be Beryllium
Pd Palladium
Ce Cer
Pr Praseodym
Co Cobalt
Pt Platinum
Dy Dysprosium
Re Rhenium
Ga Gallium
Rh Rhodium
Gd Gadolinium
Ru Ruthenium
Ge Germanium
Sb Antimony
In Indium
Sn Tin
Ir Iridium
Ta Tantal
La Lanthan
Tb Terbium
Li Lithium
Te Tellurium
Nb Niobium
W Tungsten
Nd Neodymium

I don't know which metals could be used to make TOSOGU


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