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Help Identifying a Friend's Gunto

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A close friend of mine bought this sword quite a few years ago and doesn't know it's history beyond it being a type 98.  I am trying to help him out.  I apologize for the orientation of the pictures with the bare blade and that there are no better pictures of the blade or hamon.  The damage to the saya is from a bullet strike!  It looks like the bullet skimmed off the blade when it struck!  Any help in mei translation or information about dating would be greatly appreciated.















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This is the swordsmith's signature

濃州関住村山国次   written in a highly stylized way. 


Nōshū Seki-jū Murayama Kunitsugu. It means "MURAYAMA Kunitsugu of Seki city in Nōshū province made this". Nōshū province is present-day Gifu prefecture. It was made circa 1938-1945. 


The writing is quite difficult to decipher. Take a look at the attached thread which shows a sword with the same signature. 




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