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Super Samurai Market - Episode 7: Japanese Swords and Fittings at Token Matsumoto part 6

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Super Samurai Market - Episode 7: Japanese Swords and Fittings at Token Matsumoto part 6



This December Episode of Super Samurai Market takes us again to the Token Matsumoto sword shop in Nishi Kasai a mere 30 minutes from Tokyo station. If you are interested in purchasing any of the presented items please find them here: https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/en

The individual items featured in the You Tube presentation are also linked below. Four items from the shop are presented:


Wishing all sword aficionados on NMB Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year!


All the best for 2024!


Robert Hughes


1. Wakizashi by Inoue Shinkai with Tokubetsu Hozon Certification yen 4,500,000


2. Wakizashi by Bishu Osafune Nariie dated Joji 2 nen (1363) with Tokubetsu Hozon Certification yen 850,000


3. Kozuka attributed to Goto Teijo by Mitsuaki with Hozon Certification  Cherry blossoms beside a Shinto gate yen 300,000


4. Tsuba by Toshikage (Tanaka Toryusai tradition) Setsugetsuka seasonal  beauty with Hozon Certification yen 400,000




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