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Does this Tsuba and other items correct for Edo period katana


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the (HAMIDASHI) TSUBA belongs to a TANTO while your blade is a considerable bit longer. Probably the original TSUBA was sold separately. The metal part at the end of the SAYA is called KOJIRI. It looks quite fancy so the sword might have been owned by a wealthy merchant in the late EDO era.

The little SAYA ornament is depicting a KARAKO. 

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Theme of the tsuba is plums and nightingales, both symbols of the ending of winter and the coming of spring.


Probably made from shakudō (an alloy of copper mixed with a small percentage, <10%, of gold). The metal base is textured with "nanako" (tiny raised dots), which are applied one-by-one with a tiny dimpling tool. The birds and plum branches are either gold inlay, or some kind of gold plating. I agree with Jean; the fittings are very late Edo period or early Meiji. There are no modifications to the hole where the sword tang fits (the nakago-ana), which often means the tsuba hasn't been around that long. Could have been made with the export market in mind.



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