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Sorry if this is a dumb question but I'd rather look silly as a newbie on the forum than do something horrible to a blade.


Those cotton flannel gun cloths that have silicone in them.....does anyone use them on nihonto or do you just stick with oil?


I assume the answer is "stick with oil" for the same reason sprays and wax aren't used, but I couldn't find a definitive answer on a quick search of the forum (but plenty of topics on what oil to use!).  


Thanks in advance.


Microdear cloth, %99 isopropyl alchohol, quality oil. Microdear is a little pricy but it is the best thing I have found for swords. Even tissues can absorb or let through oils on your skin, or have small pieces left behind which may cause an issue; why I stopped using them. Also of microfiber make sure it is quality and thick, none of the cheap ones.


P.S. welcome to the board!

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