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I'm new here so mind my ignorance but.... I stumbled across a sword on eBay being sold as an 1800s' Edo period katana. 


However, the pictures make this seem to be a tachi based on the Kanji on the NBTHK paper as well as the mei on the outward side of the nakago would put this blade facing edge down. Just looking for some confirmation here to make sure at least some of the stuff I'm reading about is sticking! 


I can't yet decipher the rest of the NBTHK paper besides noticing the 2 characters for tachi (太刀) and the place where the signature is. I'm looking up the rest in my Connoisseur's Guidebook. 


Thanks for helping out! 




10 minutes ago, Infinite_Wisdumb said:

Eric Moliniers?

ericowazamono is the account? I don't know the dealers too well yet as I've only been actively looking for the past month or so. There's a good chance 99% of what I think is still 100% wrong! 


I’m sorry, nulldevice. I believe your observation is valid but I can’t speak intelligently to why it is listed as it is. I can, however, say that I’ve purchased from this seller before and he is straightforward and knowledgeable. Either his listing is for very good reason or it’s a simple mistake. Either way, I’m certain he would respond quickly and honestly to a query addressed to him directly. 


Eris is top notch, and also a dealer here on the forum. Some makers signed tachi mei, some didn't. I don't think it matters much, since the tachi designation is more based on koshirae than exactly which side it was signed. Like some Hizento. Forget whether it's called a tachi or a katana, enjoy it for what it is.

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Thanks everyone for the replies and information. Eric's shop seems like it's top notch and I'm keeping my eye on various swords he has listed. Hoping to hold off my first purchase until after the Las Vegas show to see some blades in person first and keep learning as much as I can. 



On 12/22/2023 at 11:05 AM, Alex A said:

If your interested in the sword, contact him outside of Ebay and maybe a chance you will get a better price

That’s a pretty good piece of advice for a number of the eBay sellers, some of them have their own web sites on which they tend to sell without the 15% EBay take as a sellers fee.

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