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Could this be Genuine Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke ?

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Just got this off of ebay, in Shin Gunto Fittings.

I've read all the previouse post regarding this smith. Could this one be genuine?

Searched the web also and the Hamon seems to match that of the Kawachi no Kami Kunisuke 2nd.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks... Joe







Hi Joe,

Maybe a match for Nidai; maybe not. Ideally I'd have the blade in hand so I could check hada & hamon. Don't like to make a claim based only on photos. Anyone else have an opinion?



I'd agree that it resembles the Nidai signature more than Shodai, but it's just too difficult tell much more about its accuracy from the image. A good oshigata would be better than the photo. The outline of what can be seen in the yakiba of your sword looks consistant with respect to profile, but like Grey pointed out it needs to be in hand to see the work.


The polish is good enough for shinsa. Send it through.


Finally got my scanner to work...

Another pic of the Mei and as for the ashinaga... hard to see, but here's the shot.


Thanks all for sharing your knowledge :bowdown:






With consideration to the new image you posted of the nakago it looks dodgy by comparison. The size and execution look off, and the yasurime also don't seem consistant.



it looks dodgy by comparison

I refuse to believe you....

I'll take it to the shinsa... and prove to you that he does write big sometimes....

Do you know when will be the next time shinsa team will be here in east coast? Just don't feel comfortable sending it to Japan and couple of other reasons.


To tell you the truth, I'm just happy that I have this old wak in gunto fittings, like everyone says, buy the blade and not the mei. Didn't even know who it was till I won the bid.


Thanks again everyone... Joe




I truely do hope it's genuine. I'd be thrilled for you. I'd also be the first to tell you to get a variety of opinions. We don't have omnipotent skills here and offer advice with the best of intentions. Accordingly, we charge what they're worth. :)


You may have to wait a while to submit to a shinsa here in the States. They're not a regular occurrance and the last one was in Chicago about two years ago. Like you said though, you didn't even know who it was before you bought it so authenticating the mei is a bit like "ready, Fire, aim!". Enjoy it for the reasons you bought it.


By the way, in fairness to Eric, *I* said it was dodgy looking. :(


I've tried to quote you again Ted... this time I'm seeing my name.

Anyways, just for curiosity... which Samurai Families MON is this?

I have no reference avail on MON's.

Anyone with a book... help.


Thanks.... Joe



Thank You... Stephen

and Everyone else, now it's time to put the sword back together and off it goes to the display wall.


Thanks again for taking your time and helping me out.... Joe

  • 2 years later...

A good lesson for us (including myself) to not assume something is gimei too quickly... specially when judging pictures. You obviously did the right thing by getting it to shinsa. Congrats! :)

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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