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Meji Bronze Elephant


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Doubt the ivory is easy to remove, but if they can be detached, it would be easy to leave them behind, and have one of the US Knifemakers make a new pair to fit. Piece of cake for anyone with offcuts
Of course it would be a pity, but rather that that confiscated.
Btw, I find it quite a nice item.

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On 12/4/2023 at 4:00 PM, Ed said:

and have Ivory tusks. 

Ed…..how critical are ivory tusks? I only ask because they were also made with integral bronze tusks by the same excellent studios eg Seiya, Maruki etc.

From an investment point of view bronze tusks would be better……they can’t fall foul of misguided ivory legislation and thus will probably be more saleable in future years.

Also have you seen the groups of tigers attacking elephants? Rather gruesome but often superb quality.

Just a thought….

Best. Colin.


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The first one posted is nice, but I do not think the tusks are original.  They do say the tusks are "antler", so either my assumption is correct or they are attempting to bypass the Cites requirements. Either way could cause a sticky mess or worse, a loss of the item if caught up in customs.


I do prefer original ivory tusks, the bronze ones do not have the same appeal. If the work of an all bronze piece was exceptional, I would consider them. 


The guy Sly is too high.

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On 12/6/2023 at 4:14 AM, Matsunoki said:

Just thought you could see a selection of decent pieces in one place. I agree he’s not cheap but has good things. Happy hunting 


Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the link.  I have seen many of these bronze works over the decades, just never had much interest in collecting them. 


Thanks again,


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22 minutes ago, Alex A said:

I don't know much about the rules, antique should be ok??, dunno

Hi Alex

For items with very minor ivory content (less than 10% I think) you can apply for exemption from the Ivory Act …..of course you have to pay a fee!  
Antiques are not per se exempt….the ban applies to everything unless it qualifies under the very tight exemption criteria. It’s a stupid ill considered law that will not save a single elephant. Michael bloody Gove is responsible for this mess. You’ve got to be careful with ivory grips and scales on knives, pistols, swords…..🤬🤬🤬

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……meant to say it’s going to get worse. Gov are going to extend the ivory ban to include whale bone/tooth etc work ie all that magnificent scrimshaw work on whale teeth done over hundreds of years and worth a lot of money suddenly becomes worth nothing …..and it won’t be within any exemption criteria. Where is the sense in that? It’s blatant vote attracting propaganda and tough luck on lifelong collectors. No compensation will be offered. 

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Yeah, buying any type of ivory is risky. I was almost caught up in a sting operation by the dept. of wildlife and fisheries over some walrus ivory. It resulted in my becoming very leery when buy anything which remotely looks like ivory.


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  • 5 months later...
On 5/14/2024 at 9:05 AM, Matsunoki said:

Saw this and thought of you…..


Thank you for posting it. I like it, although if those tusks are ivory, it will probably never get out of the UK. Even if not ivory, I suspect shipping to the US will be met with opposition from the know it all powers that be.




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