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Iron Kuruma-sukashi tsuba

Steve Waszak

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Offered here is a fine iron kuruma-sukashi tsuba, likely dating to the Bakumatsu years of the late-Edo Period.  I attribute this sword guard to this time because in the 19th-century, the Bakumatsu era witnessed a strong revivalist sentiment in the area of swords and sword fittings, with several notable smiths working to produce evocative utsushi works echoing the aesthetics of the classic sword guards made in the Momoyama Period by masters in Owari Province (Nobuiye, Yamakichibei, and Hoan).  This particular piece is mumei, but absolutely aims to capture the powerful expression of the masterpieces made by those Owari greats in the late 16th and early-17th centuries.  This tsuba, too, features a sort of "worm-eaten" texture over the surface of the plate, likely a nod to the Tea Culture sensibilities that dominated the aesthetics of the Momoyama years, where principles such as Sabi, Yugen, Mono no Aware, Wabi, Shubusa, and others were not infrequently manifest in upper-level Buke fittings.  I think another, but less likely, possibility is that this tsuba IS of the Momoyama years.  The more conservative call here is for a Bakumatsu-Era piece.  The condition, color, and patina on the tsuba are excellent.  Dimensions are 8cm x 7.5cm x 3mm.  $375, plus shipping.  





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