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:evil: absolutely outrageous the way he treats the blade: marker on the polished surface and direct contact with the concrete floor which can easily scratch the blade.


the guy throws a lot of jargons but obviously shows no respect.


Come on guys - regardless of how it was drawn - my point was what is he basing the tracing on - I can't see the pattern he has drawn - the hamon on the blade doesn't look the same to me!


Maybe my eyes are bad, too, or maybe I just don't have enough experience. Clearly the hamon does not follow the drawn in line, however it was done. It seems to me that he is saying that it might be possible to polish this blade to achieve a hamon with the pattern he has found in his reference material :? :dunno:


Charlie Brashear


perhaps an amateur tracer? haha. File that under what is he trying to tell us? or why is he doing that with an obviously different blade drawing. Not a professional marketer. And in nihonto, you guys are anal retentive and very detailed oriented, these are the type of things that can bother the group! he needs an education on the average collector in this hobby. (cheap shot at all of us). This is a detail oriented crowd.


First of all, a knowledgeable dealer trying to sell a (potential) top-class Soshu blade for a few bucks on ebay DOES NOT EXIST. Second, Hada of the blade in question does not match MASAMUNE's nor SADAMUNE's. It looks somewhat loose and disorderly (>zanguri) and makes me think of a Kaji with Horikawa background. Size and measurement of the blade fit in there better too. Attachment shows zanguri Hada of KUNIHIRO.


It may be good to know: If a blade looks like Soshu x 2 it is in all probability not the real thing. Spectacular Nie and Hataraki are refined and subtle in old Soshu swords. Later schools inspired by old Soshu style like Horikawa, Satsuma ShinTo and others tended to exaggerate.






Some good info there, thanks. First i have heard of the phrase "zanguri"

I think I get the meaning, but without Googling, can you offer any other info on the term?






Always difficult to say from pictures, but it seems this blade has some flowing masake near the mune and the ha, that could indicate a smith related with the Muramasa school.

First i have heard of the phrase "zanguri"

I think I get the meaning, but without Googling, can you offer any other info on the term?




"zanguri" is a term used to describe a particular type of Hada which appears coarse und loosely structured. It does not have a negative connotation but is used to describe the works of Horikawa KUNIHIRO and his followers exclusively. - BTW I don't insist in this particular case. It was just a notion that came to my mind. As mentionned before, it is difficult to tell by pictures alone. All I can tell for sure is that this particular blade is neither MASAMUNE's nor SADAMUNE's work. It is dating from later times and is of far less quality.



This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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