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Absolutely! Here's wishing you the very best of birthdays :clap: :clap: :clap:

I know the last few months have been especially difficult so I hope that the year ahead is much better, by far. :)


Thanks too, for all your hard work and commitment to keeping the NMB afloat and on course. Where would we be without you? ;)


best regards,


Ford 8)


Brian! Tanjoubi Omedetou!!!


You've been tougher than Murphy over the past few months friend. You deserve every one of the wishes you make while blowing out those candles. This board has so many followers and contributors, but you are the real Hero and driving force that keeps it all together and keeps it going!! :clap:


Three Cheers!!


Congrats Brian ! Hope the following year will bring you nothing but good things in your life !!!


- PS : Isn't it time to start rallying for the yearly raffle again ? :D -



Zanshin wrote :


PS : Isn't it time to start rallying for the yearly raffle again ? :D


Yes but no for greedy ones. :D


Our friend Brian being a new real estate owner and all his cash being directed to this acquisition, all Rafle prices should be given to him. :) :)


So, this year, I won't be particpating to the Raffle. My price donation shall be directed directly to him.



Sorry guys :laughabove: :glee: :rotfl:


Brian, We all owe you an immense debt of gratitude. A very happy birthday and many more of them. (or are you are like me and pretend they don't happen).

Ian Bottomley




as a birthday present for *you*, please print out the attachment and hand it over to *Nicky* - from now on your life should be much more relaxed, you deserve it!


Long live "El Admin",






P.S.: Never worked for me, but hey, you never know ...



You'll be pleased to know I celebrated your birthday in fine style in Namba, Osaka last night.... however I do not remember much about it!!! :freak:


Tanjobi omedetogozaimasu!!


Aaaaaagh, Jeez, 'nuther birfday (known in some quarters as a 'barfday'. I've just sent good birthday wishes to my two brothers and as they live a fair way apart I sent them the same card each. It went like this "For your Birthday I've sent you a Pole Dancer" (open card) "His name's Ivan and he's from WARSAW...". And what a pretty sight he was - NOT.


So Brian, there's my birthday card for you. HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU GETTINK OLDER GEEZER. Times a'passing, swords are a'waiting... Come to Oz and we'll show you a few.




aka Barry Thomas amongst many other things.


Wow....I'm blown away folks. Wasn't expecting that. :oops:

Thanks so much all, was just what I needed. Yeah, some rough times, and now in WAY over my head with my first home purchase. But things carry on, and always glad to know this place makes a difference. I hope things are good for everyone here, and I wish everyone the best.

Long may we all argue/laugh/stress/complain/learn and enjoy this place.


Yes...the raffle will happen. As always, I am sure it will be a good one. Jean, you are too kind :thanks:

I expect we will get to that subject sometime in October.


Thanks again all....I lost count of how old I am, but I do know it is under 40, and more than 36. Might not make it another year if I DO show that pic to Nicky, Guido! :shame: :rotfl:




A very happy birthday Brian!! I hope you had a good day! The Tokuju Rai Kunimitsu gift that I got for you is in the mail mate :)


I showed my wife that article Guido - she took some notes and hopes to implement these ideas (I wish). I received a punch in the arm.


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag

from me too!

Hope you had a great day.


But remember: The older you get, the more your birthdaycake looks like a torchlight procession :D

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