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1929 dated Japanese short sword

Kyle Jones

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G'day Kyle,

Further to what Ray has already told you, your tanto was made by Gassan Sadakatsu, in 1929, to commemorate the birth of the crown princess (Taka Kazuko). Gassan Sadakatsu was one of the best Japanese swordsmiths of his time and made many commemorative pieces like this. Tanto like this, were not made for military use, but have more of a spiritual significance. Potentially your tanto is quite valuable, but unfortunately it looks like it has had a very hard life and this may effect the value. First thing to do though is give it a very light oiling to prevent any further oxidation. Don't try to remove any rust yourself as this will damage the blade. Gassan Sadakatsu is my favourite smith and I agree with Ray that your tanto is genuine. If you do a search on this forum you will find plenty of information about him.


It looks like you may have lost the wooden handle of the shirasaya and also the habaki (metal collar) that would have gone on the junction of the blade and nakago (tang). Here is a picture of mine to show you what I mean.




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This absolutely needs to go for papers and professional polish and restoration. That would cost several thousand $'s to have done right, and would save this significant piece.
If you cannot afford that, resist the urge to do anything less than a professional job, and rather keep it for the future, well oiled and preserved, or consider selling it to someone who will.

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You have ONE place that I would consider for restoration. Only ONE. For polishing that is.
@Andrew Ickeringill
You are very lucky over there to have someone who is fully trained and qualified. Use no-one else for polishing unless they are sending it to Japan.
regardless, I would get this to Andrew for him to have a look at. Awesome guy.

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please avoid touching the blade with your bare hands! It is in bad condition, but please don't worsen it.

When oiling it, use a low viscosity machine oil, apply it very thinly, and wipe it afterwards so that no oil gets into the sheath.

As said before, it is a rare and valuable item in case it can be restored.

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