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Iron sukashi tsuba - wild geese and fishing net(?) Opinions please.


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Hello from the UK.

I would greatly appreciate any information, opinions and help on this katana (8.3cm)  tsuba acquired as part of a small nice quality collection. I believe it is termed Kyo-sukashi but not sure what that means or how old it is. I think the design is wild geese and fishing nets?
Many thanks . All the best. Colin



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@BIG, @Nobody

Thank you both so much. Would I be correct to think that the board spool is for rope or twine? Could that be a connection to fishing nets or is there no connection to nets? 
I put the description through translation….but I think something got lost in that process.

Best.  Colin


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1 hour ago, BIG said:


Dear Peter Reusch,


Thanks for the link to Richard Turner's website. I had lost the link to this WordPress website. 


P.S. Love Kyo-Sukashi tsuba. Thanks for posting and keep up the good collecting Colin H.


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8 hours ago, Matsunoki said:

@BIG, @Nobody

Thank you both so much. Would I be correct to think that the board spool is for rope or twine? Could that be a connection to fishing nets or is there no connection to nets? 
I put the description through translation….but I think something got lost in that process.

Best.  Colin



The spool is used for sewing thread. You should forget about fishing nets.



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15 hours ago, ROKUJURO said:


a good find! Is that an early OWARI TSUBA ?

Good question, Jean. Actually I have not had time to really pin it down yet but it’s giving me positive vibes!  Maru Mimi. Not even really sure what the design details are. Could they be bobbins? The seppa Dai is distinctively chunky.






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Your photo is not showing for me Jean. (I’ll double check on the PC in the morning.)

Yes, I have just been looking at examples of Owari and Ko-Shoami…


Ah now it’s come through! Possibility of Ōno?


*Apologies to Colin and his lovely thread-starting tsuba for threadnapping.

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Similar threads running but it’ll add this for decoration.


Personal opinions.

I still think that the idea of those square fishing net lift contraptions (made of string after all) is 50% included in the mental image in Colin’s thread-starter above. Birds would go naturally with nets in the air. (Forgive me Nobody San!)

https://www.google.com/search?q=伝統+漁業+網 四つ手上げ&client=safari&sca_esv=587540083&hl=en-GB&tbm=isch&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjK6cbWxPSCAxUnZvUHHZoSBxMQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=390&bih=663&dpr=3#imgrc=KjhsP9fFMSOh4M

And further, to make Ford angry, I can even see a rusu moyo hidden Christian possibility in the crossed threads… or crossed net stretchers… :laughing:




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