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Mumei, if it really is a Naotane it wasn’t good enough for him so why should it be good enough for me :laughing:


Here is my highly speculative guess without seeing the blade in hand why it is so cheap and unsigned. 
The picture we have show a lighter color close to the edge what I would interpret as softer then the part above , it could be the result of taking to long from the fire to the quench in my opinion. 

It could just be the light on the convex surface of the edge but it looks to me it is visible on both pictures. 


Sorry for the bad smartphone edits.


Also no Horimono and the Kaeri seems to be only a fog of Nioi what I only want to see on old blades. 
The Hadori seems to make a good job making the Hamon look more organized. 

If I’m wrong in my observation please feel free to correct me or share your opinion.



Edit: The polish also got some ugly spots. 

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Christian, do you want that I share my opinion, than please tell me your decision. I`m not talking about „high speculative“ interpretations. The blade is like other Naotane  soshu blades. The NBTHK said „mumei Naotane“ not den-Naotane, and they had some specialists doing Kantei on a lot of Naotane blades ( think about 30 Juyos ).


Again for that money, esp. when you start collecting him, its a seldom possibility. You will never find a signed and dated wakizashi under 1,5 million yen in Japan. Shipping and customs and fees and you have to pay nearly 2 million yen only for a good TH sword. You can ask Ms. Shiho about the blade, she is a friendly seller and can give advise..

But the blade is sold, the second mumei Naotane. The first one I saw was a mumei katana here on NMB. Have some TH Naotane and we learnt to collect the Japanese way, where in it is said.. only buy better swords. 



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Chunky at 3.30cm and 0.8 thickness.  In that respect find it a little unusual that the Hamachi appears worn.


Again, maybe intentional along with the lack of mei and two ana, as in reproducing the shape of an old works.


Think the main reason for cheap price was simply folks like signed swords, especially Shinshinto.


Seen Naokatsu katana which are unsigned going relatively cheap.


It has Hozen, for some folks that's all a blade needs.

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But then I can see a similar appearance on this blade https://www.aoijapan...the-66th-juyo-token/ . 

Now I would think it could be the result of a complex construction like San Mai or something else,  not a flaw :glee:


If it really is a Naotane it could be a good buy but it would be to much unnecessary head scratch for me.

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On 8/12/2023 at 7:07 PM, Alex A said:

Chunky at 3.30cm and 0.8 thickness.  In that respect find it a little unusual that the Hamachi appears worn.


Again, maybe intentional along with the lack of mei and two ana, as in reproducing the shape of an old works.




The description refers to a moderate kasane, the 0.8cm are very probably just a typo. 

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