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Hi All,


Please have a look at this one. Tried to make some sense of it. The second character looks like Hira to me. Can't figure out the first though it looks close to Tomo(?).


Thanks in advance.



Hi Ted,


The mei reads "JOCHIKU" and Kao. Since it's a very VERY big name I would love to see more of this fuchi. Little is known about Murakami JOCHIKU, but you find some infos in "swords of the samurai" by Harris & Ogasawara on pages 109 and 153. Any fish there?





Thanks Reinhard. I am a familiar with the Jochiku like the one you pictured, and seen a couple others. I don't think I've ever seen a signed piece though. This one has no fish. There's no sculpted work at all. It's completely Kaga style flush inlay. Coming from Kaga, it would make sense that he worked in this style, but I'm used to seeing the more elaborate renderings attributed to him.


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