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Wakizashi by MASAZANE? Help with a few characters and verification.

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This one kinda threw me for a loop for a while. Some of the characters are very close together, so I was having issues telling one from another at times, and also there are a bunch I have simply never seen on Nihonto before. The characters also are a bit stylized, which made them harder for me to recognize. There is one I still cannot decide on definitively, as it looks like 朱 ?


As best I can tell, it reads:



I found two smiths which may be the same smith, but neither is quite a match. I also couldn't find ANY under 正真 MASAZANE, just under the similar 正眞 MASAZANE.



Any help, tips, etc would be greatly appreciated!




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2 hours ago, Ray Singer said:

金房隼人承正眞作 - Kanabō Hayatoryō Masazane saku


The mei is very fresh and crisp to be of the purported time period. Gordon Robson specializes in this lineage. 

Yes, I can still see the chisel marks, though the raised area around isn't pronounced. This came in with a group of three, and the other two are younger blades, but definitely look older. All three were relatively recently polished.


This one does have a very nice temper line. I tried to get pictures but it's not easy. Eventually I'll make some type of setup to better photograph blades with a phone camera.pk24hamon01.thumb.jpg.4cc6819782303ae46858007582489f4f.jpg



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