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I've been selling off a lot of things sitting around in storage recently and need help identifying/pricing one of the blades. The story on this is that my great uncle's navy ship was one of the first in the Japanese Sea after their surrender in WWII and this is one of several swords he brought back. Once back here he apparently had a woodworking friend make a new handle for this blade (which i busted off). Unfortunately his woodworking friend decided to drill a new and bigger hole through the original pin hole in the tang. The original hole can still be seen in part. I haven't cleaned the glue off of the tsuba/habaki and disassembled them. One side of the habaki has the top metal worn off in one spot. This blade hasn't been reground but does have some pitting near the edge (see last picture). There are NO marks on the tang. The camera i have right now isn't a good quality one but any ideas or insight about this blade would be appreciated. :)






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