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Translation requested and info on the maker


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Hello Jean,


im not at home, so I’ve to handle it with my phone….cumbersome 😅
Unfortunately can’t say much more except that he was a late Edo period artist from Edo (gō Yūchikudō). I hope some more knowledgeable chime in…

The mei: 遊竹堂西川正虎 + kao

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Thanks my friend. I show it this morning at my Flyfishing club to Marc Broquin and here is his answer after looking in his book:




First tsubako/master of SUNAGAWA school, school issued from AKASAKA  school.


Now, I don’t know his rating

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More info on the maker according the Wakayama in 3 volumes:


his given date is around 1775 and as his school is directly issued from the AKASAKA school, he is worthy being in the Kinko Meikan where he is rated RYU KO ( a best among the best)



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