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I am presently looking into a purchase but pictures are limited with seller with limited knowledge on the blade. It appears to have been a katana at one time but possibly shortened at some point. Waiting for measurements but appears Wakizashi length. Shape looks promising but once again limited info. Nakago looks aged mumei or suriage and hamon obscured. Once again a gamble and seller was told from “Experts” possibly late 1500s Sue Bizen. If took a rock and threw it into a pile of swords chances are it would hit a Sue Bizen blade so that’s not saying much. I know it leads much to the imagination but what do you think from the few pics so far. My impression is looks older than Muromachi especially sugata. Before you beat me with wet noodle I know that doesn’t carry a lot of weight. Just one small piece of the puzzle with much more to observe and many questions 













What's the price of that beauty (the first one)? If the blade is cheap and a loss would not hurt, why not? There might even be a MEI under all the rust!

Blades looks a bit like a KATATE-UCHI with the short NAKAGO.

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