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Picked up on trade, dont know much about these, trying to figure out what ive got and an estimate on age. The maki ?(tsuka wrap) seems to be one piece of leather or rubber. 







1 hour ago, Nate D said:

trying to figure out what ive got and an estimate on age.


Looks like a pretty nice sword. To my eye, the blade looks like a Sue-Koto shobu zukuri wakizashi, ubu, but mumei unsigned. The hamon looks like that of Mino Kanefusa, there were several generations, so maybe this is one of them, mid to late 1500's. 


The koshirae is maybe late Edo period and nice. Looks like it could have been used for formal occasions given the prevalence of kiri mon on the fuchi, kashira, tsuba, and saya kojiri as well as very nice igeta mon menuki on the exterior of the tsuka.


Not sure what you traded for it, but it's a nice example of a blade and koshirae. Feel free to PM me or email me at soheiswords@gmail.com with any detailed questions you might have.


It does have a scabbard but the wrap at the top is missing. Sorry for not knowing the correct names yet. It is a very tight fit when seated fully in the scabbard. 

thanks for all the info so far

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