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A heads up for collectors and dealers that Andy Quirt has added new listings to his site.  Yes, I have a couple of swords consigned to him. 


--Sadatsuna Naginatanaoshi Katana.  Nanbokucho period.  NBTHK Tokubetsu Hozon.  Tanobe sayagaki.  Kenji Mishina polisher.  


     http://nihonto.us/SADATSUNA MB.htm


--Bizen no Kami Sukekuni KatanaNBTHK Kanteisho, 1965.  O-suriage w/folded-over signature.  Handsome patinated red copper tosogu w/high condition.


     http://nihonto.us/BIZEN SUKEKUNI MB.htm



And of course, here is the link to Andy's main listings page where you can find his other impressive offerings.










--Matthew Brice




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