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Tessen with poem by Wang Yang Ming


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The attached photo shows my Japanese tessen (iron-bound folding fan) with dark brown paper and gold calligraphy of a poem by Chinese neo-Confucian scholar/poet Wang Yang Ming.  My first question: Can anyone tell me if this poem is well-known, and a title?  I have made an attempt at translation, shown in the images,  but I would appreciate any input or corrections you may offer.  Thank you.




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Heavily, heavily reliant on Japanese translations of the original Chinese text. 






Floating/Drifting on the Sea


Be still of heart, whether the circumstances are troubling or favorable

for these things are like the passing of a cloud. 

Just as the priest with his staff controlled the winds and sailed on the moonlight to arrive at his destination*,

so too will I, even though the distance may be 30,000 miles across the sea. 


*This is an allusion to a Chinese monk/hero Bao Zhi of the Liang dynasty. 

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