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Ebay kai gunto??

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Hello all,

I have taken advice from ya'll about hitting the books and learning from the more experienced members on this forum.  Well I started to look around on ebay(bad for newbie) for a kai gunto and found this one for sale.  I noticed that the seller didn't have any pictures of the nakago.  I messaged the seller and he stated that it was stuck on there and he tried to get it off.  I asked him if possible he could use a chop stick to push the pin out.  It worked and he took these pictures for me.  Do ya'll think this is legit?  I noticed that there are 2 stamps of anchor but one looks to be acid etched.?  Any advice/opinions are much appreciated.  Like always thank you for having me on this forum and god bless.




s-l1600 (1).jpg

s-l1600 (2).jpg

s-l1600 (3).jpg

s-l1600 (4).jpg

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9 hours ago, Bruce Pennington said:

the large, imprinted one is unusual too

Bruce: I don't see this exact mark on your stamp doc. Similar to the Tenshozan, though more stylized. Could it be added on the next revision if it is found to be legit?

John C.

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12 hours ago, John C said:

Could it be added on the next revision

An interesting thought, John.  I have no doubt about legitimacy.  I'll have to figure out how to label it.  The faded stamp has the original Toyokawa anchor in circle.  This large one - is it a re-styled logo of post-war Toyokawa?  That would be my guess, but it would only be a guess.  I could label it with "Possibly post-war, re-styled Toyokawa Navy Arsenal."


I dearly wish we were all doing this in 1950 so we could find the guys actually involved in all this and ask them these questions.

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