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Showa period sword exhibitions


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@k moritaMorita san, also please note I did not correctly "link" my earlier post.   It should have been linked to:


Mal, I thought you might enjoy reading this post by Nick Komiya.

1941 IJA Weapons Prices in today's values, Post #14

Source document can be found at the link below.



Any assistance with translation greatly appreciated, as some of these names are difficult.

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Gosh, I have to say that Nick Komiya was a real treasure to us Gendato gunto collectors. That doc with the red border around the 27 smiths on display the Matsuzakaya Dept. Store there in Ginza in 1942 is a treasure to me. In those 27 names is Tsukamoto Masakazu (col 4 from R, top), the maker of a very nice gunto in RS mounts that I own (also listed is his younger bro Tsukamoto Okimasa (col 1 from R top) and a 'middle' brother Kasama (born Tsukamoto) Kiyokazu (col 3 from R bot).

Who could ask for better historical records for their collection than the docs Nick dug out of the archives. What a loss to us is his passing.



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Column 2 Hokke Saburo
Column 4 Yamamura Sukeyuki (mentioned on Jinsoo Kim's site). 
Tanaka Munetsugu is correct
Column 5 I think you are right. It must be a misprint of Kunitada
Column 6 Toriu (also Toryu, Torio, Torisei, Toriike, Torii). Toriu and Torio seem to be the most common. Hard to know unless we find a contemporary document that shows the pronunciation. 

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@mecox, a rough translation of the front matter.  Feel free to cut and paste as needed.  @SteveM care to tackle the paragraph that comes after Tōjō?




東京市京橋区木挽町八丁目四番地 Tōkyō-shi Kyōbashi-ku ...

日本刀剣新聞社社長 金関力也 Nihon Tōken Shinbun-Sha Shachō Kaneseki Rikiya

昭和十七年七月二十一日 1942-07-21

陸軍大臣東条英機殿 Rikugun Daijin Tōjō Hideki dono




Shinsaku Nihontō Tenran-Kai

New Japanese Sword Exhibition


一、会場 Ichi, Kaijō 1. Venue: 東京市銀座松屋百貨店 Matsuya Department Store, Ginza, Tōkyō.

一、期日 Ichi, Kijitsu 1. Fixed Date: 自昭和十七年八月二十五日至八月三十日 From August 25th to August 30th, 1942.

一、出品者 Ichi, Shuppin-Sha 1. Exhibitors: 全国刀匠中ノ上位ニ在ル者 Zenkoku tōshō Nakano jōi ni zai ru-sha National Swordsmith Middle-Ranked Persons.

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@KiipuThomas, thanks for this extra.  What I found of interest was the bottom line (translation by wife slightly different)

全国刀匠中ノ上位ニ在ル者 Zenkoku tōshō chu-no-jōi ni aru-mono. National Swordsmith Middle-Ranked Persons.

But this shows "rank" of these tosho.  I will compare this to the 1942 Banzuke of Kurihara.

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30 minutes ago, mecox said:

What I found of interest was the bottom line (translation by wife slightly different)


I used "Google Translate" on that as I am lazy!  Maybe this is what you get when you cut corners.


Column 1

塚本起正 Tsukamoto Okimasa、高橋義宗 Takahashi Yoshimune、守次則定 Moritsugu Norisada、[守次]行宗 Moritsugu Yukimune、小山信光 Koyama Nobumitsu

= 同 = same.

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Column 1

塚本起正 Tsukamoto Okimasa、高橋義宗 Takahashi Yoshimune、守次則定 Moritsugu Norisada、[守次]行宗 Moritsugu Yukimune [ = 同 = same]、小山信光 Koyama Nobumitsu、


Column 2

川島忠善 Kawashima Tadayoshi、盛高靖博 Moritaka Yasuhiro、秋元昭友 Akimoto Akitomo、法華三郎 Hokei Saburō、太田親秀 Ōta/Ohta Chikahide、


Column 3

今井貞重 Imai Sadashige、末次繁光 Suetsugu Shigemitsu、一文字天秀 Ichimonji Amahide、井上貞包 Inoue Sadakane、笠間清和 Kasama Kiyokazu、


Column 4

塚本正和 Tsukamoto Masakazu、幡野昭信 Hatano Akinobu、山村介之 Yamamura Sukeyuki、田中宗継 Tanaka Munetsugu、小宮四郎 Komiya Shirō、


Column 5

塚越継延 Tsukakoshi Tsugunobu、富田祐弘 Tomita Sukehiro、今井兼継 Imai Kanetsugu、沖本忠國[國忠]Okimoto Tadakuni [Kunitada]、宮城守國 Miyagi Morikuni、


Column 6

鳥生博正 Torio Hiromasa、佐藤重則 Satō Shigenori 其他二十余名 more than twenty other people.

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19 hours ago, Kiipu said:



More or less as below


Thanks to the support of the relevant authorities, we are pleased to be able to hold an exhibition of swords from contemporary Japanese Swordsmiths from August 25th to August 30th (1942) at Matsuya department store in Ginza, in order to raise public interest in Japanese swords, and to promote advancements in Japanese sword weapons by deepening awareness in the works of modern swordsmiths.


Any corrections welcome.


I have made some corrections in red, and I'm not quite sure I've captured the full turgidity of the original text regarding its thanking of the relevant authorities. 

御省御後援ノ名称 (名様?) 御許可賜リ度此段御願候也 

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掲載日 keisai-bi [昭和17年]8月25日

会場 kaijō [venue]  銀・松

イベント名 ibento-mei [event name] 日本刀展覧会

主催 shusai [organizer] 日本刀剣新

後援・協賛 kōen・kyōsan [support/sponsorship] No entry.

Source: 百貨店の国策展覧会をめぐって by 難波 功士 [cut and past the title and the article can be found in PDF format].



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