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named swords

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... I would expect a tester's mei along the lines of "山田浅右衛門吉X (Yamada Asaemon Yoshi_X)", and not "浅右衛門男山田萬吉", a name that is to my knowledge not listed in the Yamada family register (besides the strange way the name is written, i.e. the family name after the Zokumyô). And why do the papers only state the date of the Kinzôgan-mei, but not the name?


Tester’s name above means “Asaemon’s son, Yamada Mankichi(reading?), who is 16 years old”.

(According to this link: http://auction.woman.excite.co.jp/item/123287335 )


As for the paper description, there is “云々” after the date. 云々 (Un-nun) means “and so on”. Previous another paper (Kicho token) for the sword on the liked page describes whole inscription.




The mei itself makes me uneasy and i'm not paranoid :D


Check this one

specially the mei location and the ji 丹(which is unchanging on Kanemichi/Naomichi mei).

Previous another paper (Kicho token) for the sword on the liked page describes whole inscription.
The (older) papers just give the entire inscription without explanation, something the seller adds - and a rather tall story it is that raises more questions than it answers. Which Daimyô family, for example? Heck, give me a couple of hours and I would come up with an even more exciting story .... ;)
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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