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Hello members

In the past you have been of good help translating a signature on one of my tsuba…So I have another one  and if you could help identifying the maker or the school that would be marvelous

It is iron decorated in kebori  not very often seen on iron…well finished with a thiner edge

Many many thanks in advance




I am sorry no one has answered your request for information so far - maybe this will help?  https://www.touken-matsumoto.jp/en/product/shousai/TSU-2448  

At least the style is similar and three of the kanji match. I am not good with translating mei but I can usually find very similar pieces. There are a number like this signed - Masataka

I remember there was a thread with this type of design or school but I can't track it down.

A similar design in the Powerhouse Museum Sydney but the signature is not the same [The museum did not bother to translate it.]





The name on Daniel's tsuba should be


唐津住 正国

Karatsu-jū Masakuni


The smith's name is Masakuni (from Karatsu city). Karatsu is a city in Hizen Province (present-day Saga Prefecture). 

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