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Type 95 NCO Shin Guntō. Opinions?


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Hi guys. Pretty new to Japanese Sword collecting and I'm looking to possibly pick up my first one. I was wondering what your guys opinions are on this sword. From what I've read on this forum and on other sites the markings seem to be correct(I think), orientation of the serial number on the blade looks to be correct for the manufacturer, the bohi doesn't have a huge gap from where the brass is on the blade(don't know the correct name of the brass). But there are tons of other variables that I don't know about yet and was hoping you guys could possibly help. From the information I have received it is a Tokyo production mid-war example. The seller informed me that the serial number on the scabbard matches the blade and that he's going to get a pic of it. Another question I have is is the Flower marking with the line in the middle on the Fuchi known yet? From what I've read it is still unknown. Thank you for any help you guys can give.











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You are right about the “Ichi” stamp.  It is not known which shop used that logo.  Guys have proposed that it was the Kobe Shoten Co. which is associated with the “K” in sakura.  The serial numbers of the two logo stamps lineup, and suggest there was a logo change at some time.  I personally think they are right about it.

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This is interesting Chris @vajo I also have an 'ichi' (Kobe Shoten Co) number # 47895 but mine has a brass tsuba and brass top and bottom seppa, same as the first 95 Patterns.


However, Colin's has a blackened iron tsuba and matching blackened bottom seppa, but the top seppa is brass.  Shouldn't  the top seppa be blackend iron to match the bottom larger seppa (and tsuba)?



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Rob, what you mean with seppa? I can't see the seppa clearly on his pictures. It looks absolut legit with the sakura blosssoms on the rim. For me it looks like iron or sheet metal. The fuchi looks like patinated cooper.


Maybe you could mark it on the picture?


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