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papered Suemihara daisho nagasa 65cm


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I am offering for sale my suemihara daisho set.
The daito blade is papered "suemihara"
O-suriage with 2 mekugi ana, unsigned.
straight temperline, recent polish no major flaw, if I remember the core steel is not visible.
The polish is not bad, as the hada and hamon are well visible.
The shoto is unpapered, probably also suriage and unsigned
The hamon and temperline are very similar to the daito blade
Both have matching shirasaya with same attribution
Both also have matching edo koshirae
Shakudo nanako matched fuchi-kashira set with gold 
Shakudo matched menuki set with gold and silver
Old samekawa with real oyatsubu, not bone or ivory inlay.
Matching saya with pearl and pine needle lacquer, good condition, not perfect, 2 small missing areas on daito saya, no cracks.
Unmatched kogatana handle with good blade.
Asking 6000€ plus shipping european union only, sorry, I can't fill online custom form in my country.






They are beautiful, too bad I'm in the U.S.

This should sell quite quickly.


Warm Regards,


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