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Any one know about this dealer

Katana Boutique ? Also the description mentioned  scars near the habaki ? don’t know what that means

Another concern is the  kissaki  looks like ware ? Anyway any help with this sword and seller would be appreciate 







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It appears to me, that you don't have a mentor.   May I suggest that you find someone knowledgeable, that is willing to mentor you.   Unfortunately, on a Forum such as this, we only get to see photos and not the sword in hand.  This makes it very hard to give answers, unless what we're seeing sticks out like dogs balls.

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These images tell you nothing whatsoever about the blade quality and the description is crafted in such as way as to leave many escape routes for what are probably “nasties” not visible in these images.

As for “awesome hamon”…..it’s impossible to see the hamon with any clarity. You can see a Hadori polish that can conceal all sorts of problems including gaps in the hamon.

As for “overall good condition” ….except of course for scars, scratches, rust, stain!!!!….. total BS.


Steve, there are many extremely helpful people on this forum, some with massive knowledge (I’m not one of them) and I’m sure their advice  would be to buy some books, study and train your own eye based on your own knowledge. Look at swords for sale by reputable dealers on this forum. Look at the excellent photos that accompany them and the accurate descriptions. Gaining real  knowledge is a slow process but the most important thing for any newcomer is to able to spot misdescription and crap before spending money…..or, if that isn’t for you ……be prepared to learn the same lesson the hard way.

None of this is said with any malice…..I wish you good luck.


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Good advice guys  I hav Couple of books plan on buying more I guess I’m lucky since I hav some really nice swords One is the noshu taniguchi see it on the forum 

Also a NCO that’s in mint And others 


I’m getting a Naminohira polished 

I post it when it’s finished 

The wise guy who made the remark to buy all the swords on EBay Send me the money and I will 

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7 hours ago, Matsunoki said:

These images tell you nothing whatsoever about the blade quality and the description is crafted in such as way as to leave many escape routes for what are probably “nasties” not visible in these images.


As for “overall good condition” ….except of course for scars, scratches, rust, stain!!!!….. total BS.

Yup, typical of these Japanese sellers. "Staining"  usually means rust that has been removed by the sellers that leaves discoloration/pitted steel. . I have seen it many times and when you ask them about it they often become quite rude. And if you're lucky they'll block you(ask me how I know) 


I can see that rust has been cleaned off this blade near the Habaki, and of course there is no detailed pictures of these questionable spots. This is just one of the things I noticed.


If you're interested in buying from these sellers look at all the pictures carefully.  If anything looks strange assume it is. And if you ask for more pictures and they make excuses don't waste your time. Most of them are only out to make money. Theres a new seller on the bay to watch out for as well. 

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Good information thanks!!  I’ll try the wanted forum maybe Will get lucky 

On of my swords The locking pin gets stuck after pressing the button and pulling out the sword It takes 3 or 4 try’s 

I tried to file the opening but no luck 

Anyone hav any ideas?  I think the pin dosnt line up to slot opening but not sure if that’s the problem 


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Thanks for the advice I did try the seppas but no luck

the Tsuba was wobbly 

so I put in a thicker menuki and fixed it

Any way maybe 2 seppas might work since i only have 4? Problem with these people want too much


Anyone hav ideas?

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