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Old wakizashi for $150.00... restoration project for me

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Hello all,


i’ve Just received this sword today... I wasn’t sure if it was a reproduction/fake or and original. I saw a slight Hamon under all that rust and took a chance for $150.00. I believe this to be pretty old... not sure of the exact era. 


My passion is restoring swords like this... it will be a long project. I believe it will turn out pretty good. Believe it or not, there’s not pitting under all this rust. The hamon is beautiful... it will probably take a good month to remove all the rust.


The scabbard is very good condition ... nakago is unsigned.


I purchased this sword from a lady who recently inherited this piece. Her father passed away several years ago and now starting to part with his belongings. The father owned a bar and would take personal property as payment towards patrons tabs. The father took two swords as final payment (Interesting)... the seller sold one sword and recently decided to sell this one. I will post more pics later of the tsuba and tuska... it really is nice under all that rust. An interesting piece for sure...


30 minutes ago, KB1107 said:

My passion is restoring swords like this... it will be a long project. I believe it will turn out pretty good. Believe it or not, there’s not pitting under all this rust. The hamon is beautiful... it will probably take a good month to remove all the rust.

This talk will not go over well on here...

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Thanks you.... tsuka is missing the fuchi,,, otherwise, all hardware matches.


Restoration should not be a problem with the peeps on this forum. Electrolysis is an excellent way to remove rust safely... no sanding or abrasives. A lot of antique firearms are restored this way without removing any bluing. I’ve done this procedure several times with outstanding results.

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45 minutes ago, KB1107 said:


Restoration should not be a problem with the peeps on this forum. 

Actually it is… but I won’t speak for the person who runs this Board or the general feeling about this issue. I have a bad feeling this won’t end well.  Take it for what it is worth but before you continue down the road of letting everyone know your plans, please take a look at:



I also am a little concerned about the machi area of this blade, but it could be the pictures.  





From what I can see from the poor pictures, it appears this could(?) be a chrome plated blade. Making it a non-traditionally made blade.


Additionally...yeh I would stop talking about your intent, before it gets ugly.




Heed the warnings. There are no exceptions given because of X or Y.
Rust removal without any other professional restoration looks just as bad. Clean pitted metal looks just as bad. That rust is stable anyways, and isn't active.
Discuss the sword or fittings by all means. But leave the discussion of amateur restoration for elsewhere.
Nice fittings btw.

  • Thanks 1
4 hours ago, MHC said:

From what I can see from the poor pictures, it appears this could(?) be a chrome plated blade. Making it a non-traditionally made blade.


It isn't chrome plated. Regular antique wakizashi.

  • Like 1
6 hours ago, KB1107 said:

Thanks you.... tsuka is missing the fuchi,,, otherwise, all hardware matches.

That’s a cryIng shame. The fittings we can see are worth far more than what you paid for it anyway….as already said ….lovely quality shakudo nanako. I’d try really hard to find a (nearly) matching fuchi. They do crop up.


8 hours ago, KB1107 said:

Believe it or not, there’s not pitting under all this rust.

You are kidding aren’t you??  That isn’t spider rust  or powder rust….it’s full blown heavy corrosion and to create that much iron oxide a heck of a lot of iron is used.

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Here some pics of the tsuka... it has some wear... all fitting are in great shape. Tsuba looks like it has some writing on it... I’ll try and take a decent pic.







The fittings are actually as stated the best part of the purchase but the kojiri and kashira match and with no Fuchi I wonder if in fact the blade did not match the mounts? The fact the Kojiri is not with them and the fuchi looks like it was tied on after I would be skeptical = that said - be very careful with the blade in any attempt to remove the rust.


Thank you for your response.


In regard to the mounts, I was disappointed that the fuchi was missing (Bummer). I’m never gonna be able to find a fuchi to match (Bummer). As stated, the mounts that are on tsuka and saya are excellent.


The blade really has a beautiful active hamon.


The surviving mounts are well worth the money, get a "Tsunagi" made and a plain Fuchi and have a rebind of the Ito done, and you will have an excellent display piece of some value.


This style of handachi mounting…….reminds me of many a decent daisho. I wonder if this was 50% of a daisho especially as you mention the seller had already sold one sword. Argh!!! Nightmare!

The tsuka wrapping is a better quality than many….called Jabara wrap…..multi stranded and more expensive to do. 
Fuchi that would be a close match do crop up, nanako with dragons is common. You could also consider buying a similar fuchi kashira set but only use the fuchi (and sell the kashira)…..such things happen although many would frown upon splitting a set. It’d be worth it.

Eg no. 6 in this link on this forum


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Yes, I wish I’ve could seen the other sword she sold. The seller told me it was in fantastic shape... sounded like a katana. I found it interesting that her father took the swords as a form of payment. He must’ve know that they weren’t fakes... or did he?


Anyways, I’m gonna keep an eye out for a fuchi... I will most likely get a plain one and be on the lookout for a possible match ( Not gonna hold my breath) I’d rather have a plain fuchi than one with a dragon that doesn’t match. I never resell anything I buy... my collection just keeps growing.


Thanks for the comment




Here’s the tsuba pic you requested... I’m probably wrong (Bad eyes)... but are those kanji stamped on the tsuba or just a design?



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  • Thanks 1

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