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Firefighting pump cart

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Good evening,


From a comment in the 'yari size' topic to a Quora topic on Japanese palanquins and then I somehow ended up on this ebay listing. Seems like a pretty strange thing to stumble over😏 


It's not that old if the year given is correct (1910), but I think such type carts could've been build and used much earlier. Pretty cool and I for one haven't seen anything like it before on ebay etc, though I haven't been looking for things like this either.


Firefighting pump cart



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Thanks Piers, Uwe.


Sadly I haven't had the pleasure of visiting one of those local musea, yet. One day Given fires were a pretty common threat and calamity in largely wooden build cities, does anyone know what kind of protective measures they may have had (already, or in development), during the the Edo period? Was there any such thing as ground works combined with larger scale city planning in those days? Where a pump cart would be useful only if there were water reservoirs spread throughout a city. Somewhat going off on a tangent with this but it has sparked an interest 🤔

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