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Hi can I get info with this sword 

How old or what era I’m thinking koto but not sure the hamon looks decent I was concerned if there are scratches or something else like openings) Also is said to be Gendaito 

Any information would be helpful Anyone know about This dealer 

Tokyo express deli







Dear Steve.


As usual we are working from limited photographs but I'm puzzled as to what makes you think this is Koto.  Hamon is pretty typical for Showa and it as suguha boshi, nakago is original and unaltered and is also what you would expect from Showa.  Where are you getting that Koto vibe from?  Interested to know.

All the best.

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Don’t know what I was thinking I own a koto Naminohira sword Now I feel like an idiot 

yes showa most liked arsonal with know stamp But they were not always stamped 

I think possibly Gendaito??? 


Ok according to the seller of this sword as quoted 

its is a Gendaito, but not a recent production.
I think it's been about 100 years

But now I hear it’s not ! I asked if anyone knows about this smith maybe it would help 


The others are being kind . This is mass a produced Showa piece . People are deluding themselves if they think that this is even possibly a gendaito and are on drugs or something  if they think it is Koto . Give it a miss

Ian brooks

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I’m almost certain it is a showato. Note the gunome with dark peaks in the photo? That’s textbook showato. Maybe the seki or showa stamp was worn off by abrasion or is covered by rust. 

This is a superb diagram by Vajo on gunto and gendai spotting. Hope it helps you. 

And yes, I’ve seen likely showato with torokusho as of late also https://www.ebay.com/itm/255762059778?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=49Bx4St3R-6&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=QlxdlTcnSti&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY

On some level I’m glad gunto aren’t at risk of destruction but that means a lot of people could get showato thinking it’s gendai and overpay.

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Those are great pictures thanks 
it’s too bad how these swords are being  miss represented and good luck sending it back to Japan 
really want a Navy sword anyway Seems next to impossible to find a nice one 


And please don’t remind me about Koto 
I think you’re right about the drugs nothing I can do about that I’m a disabled veteran so I’ll leave that for another day :shame:

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