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Dear NMB members,

I kindly ask for your contribution in the evaluation of the mumei blade described below which is accompanied by a JTK certificate.

Nagasa: 70,0 cm
Sori: 2,4 cm
Moto-haba: 2,7 cm
Saki-haba: 1,7 cm
Moto-kasane: 0,6 cm
Saki-kasane: 0,4 cm

Sugata shinogi zukuri, koshi zori, little chu kissaki. The hada is a subtle itame with masame in shinogiji. The hamon is gunome choji midare on a notare base in nioi deki. There are ashi, sunagashi, nie kuzure and nie sake. Boshi is ko maru, midare komi with sunagashi. The nakago is ubu, with two mekugi ana, kurijiri nakagojiri.


The certificate attributes the blade from the Oei period to a later generation of Morishige (Is the translation correct?) Who I imagine is referring to Morishige of the Hatakeda school and not Omiya Morishige.
Compared to Hatakeda Morishige of the Oei period (2nd gen.) I have not found anything for a comparison ... I know that the Oei Bizen style is similar between the various schools present in Osafune at that time therefore it is difficult to have certainties about the author but in the meantime I would like to have certainties about the historical period because I have some doubts especially in the relationship between the relatively short nakago (Ubu) when compared to the nagasa lenght therefore a blade designed to be used with one hand that makes me think of the late Muromachi, but I leave the last word to you.
Thank you in advance for your comments.













Not much to see in the photographs, but does look like a legitimate Omiya blade, the end of Nambokucho or more likely Oei.

They worked in several styles, one does have squarish chouji like this one.

This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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