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Which is best kozuka?


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Good day friends. I would like you to help me choose the best, most worthy kozuka out of the three I possess, in order to make a traditional kiri box for it. Please see pictures of two of these. (The third is certainly interesting, but unfortunately too damaged to consider.)



Johan (More pics to come)  

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This pic show the reverse of the two kozuka. Small dent on the lower kozuka. Looking back at the top picture, the blade nakago of the lower kozuka is quite long and seems to belong to the kozuka, but I'm not sure of the top blade, whether it might have been exchanged. The bottom blade has a signature suggested to be "Seki Kanemoto", but the top blade signature is still unknown. 

If with my own arthritic fingers (!) I'm going to attempt the big job of crafting a super kiri box, which of these two kozuka is best deserving to get mounted?



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With the saihai we can see a type of Hata (flag) called a 流れ旗 (Nagaré-bata). I like this Kozuka best. Suitably martial.


Since the handle is the important part (blades could be interchanged), most boxes were made for this alone. Thus if you make a box for the Kozuka (子柄 = small handle), it should fit either of yours, without a blade. Then you can still choose either way, any time! :wub:

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the lower motif in question shows gourds. Alas, the condition isn't the best.


Concerning the signatures on Kogatana there are some which certainly are genuine (and thus made by the named smith), but in many cases these designations just refer to a well known smith.


Best, Florian

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Thank you so much, Piers and Florian! It seems first choice falls on the saihai kozuka. I think the only uncertainty I now have, is as to the probable age of that kozuka. What more can be said, besides that it is simply Edo? Early...late? 



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