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Help Identifying WWII Japanese Sword


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Hello. New to the group. I found it while trying to identify the WWII sword and bayonet that my father brought back from WWII. He quit high school and joined the Navy towards the end of the war. He served on a couple of different ships, the war ended, and he ended up assigned to General McArthur's HQ in occupied Japan. He never talked much about his service. He did meet the General. He brought (smuggled) back this sword, bayonet, and a Japanese machine gun on the return trip to the States on the ship. After he got home, someone knew where he had the machine gun and stole it. He got Alzheimer's and died before I could ever really get him to be detailed in things. I realize this is about swords, but I am hoping someone can help identify the bayonet too. Or at least point me in the right direction. I don't know enough to take the sword apart and look for more markings. I took a bunch of photos but see the limitations on size here forbid much. I don't have a website to post them too and provide a URL. All of my photos are larger than allowed. I'm adding an iCloud link that's a shared photo link and hope someone can tell from that. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0eabLUxRgXdJ0sM4Btdfv-J4g & https://share.icloud.com/photos/020zQ8_WS1xQaULruagZEgP5g and here's one for the bayonet. https://share.icloud.com/photos/0dbO-kig8wtbAbVq1EQmGgA5Q Thanks...Randy!!!

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Hi Randy, 


Havent got to the sword yet but the bayonet is Japanese Type 30 (late war), made for the Arisaka Type 30 rifle and some later rifle models. I believe these were made by Toyada Jidou Shokki (u can look that up). Square pommel, unfullered blade square grips on handle held by two rivetts....Not sure which model as the first stamp (Toyada) is hard to see.  Three arsenal stamps shiwn below, yours could be anyone of them.


These were essentially the simplfied version of the earlier hooked quillion types...shortage of materials. Some of this model came in wooden scabbard.





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Still having troublevwith yr link, so I copied amcouple of pics.


Looks like a Wakazashi of civilian origin that was pressed into WW2 service possibly later in the war.


The saya (scabard) is very interesting and I love the blade which I believe could be quite old. Others will add much more to this (and it may be more accurate 😊). 


You will need to remove the handle (tsuka) by firstly gently tapping out the mekugi peg (2nd pic).  By the look of it, it could be tapped out from the opposite side than shown in the second pic. Use something smaller in diameter than the peg itself. Gently remove tsuka and have a look at the tang for any kanji/inscription.  If there is something there. Post good pics in the 'Translation' thread on NMB.


Just ask if u need help. Good luck.




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