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Hi, a friend of mine wants to buy a gunto replica for hid re-enactment.. NCO model


He is wondering which colour codes there are for the scabbard and or hilt...


the replica he wants to buy is painted all black..




anyone have any ideas if there are RAL colour codes or sth out there?





thanx in advance




Well, the photo from the website below (not the sword in question) lays it out pretty well. There were NO black painted NCO's. I would suggest (deep breath), buying one of the cheap Chinese knock offs on eBay. Close enough to take out for reenactments, but not so expensive that you'd waste much money. They do an okay job copying the sword and if scouting eBay you might be able to find a pretty decent fake.


There may be some issue with giving these people who prey on those who haven't done their research money, but maybe you finally found something these people are good for.


Yup, i told my friend the same thing..


He isnt interested in an original for his re-enactments which is totally allright with me..


thats why i asked...


If i am correct he bought this one... he liked the aging on it.. like it having been in the jungle for a long time....


http://cgi.ebay.com/HAND-MADE-NCO-SWORD ... otohosting




Colour codes would still be welcome though, if only for modelling !


Colour codes would still be welcome though, if only for modelling !


I know the "Khaki" green the IJA used is a real hard match (I spent some time looking for the colour a while back). Even model shops couldn't help.


I ended up getting some mixed up by an excellent and experienced spray painter. Even he said it was one weird green and hard to match, tho he got there no problem.


So saying that... I would like the colour codes too :)


Seller cancelled transaction with the ridiculous remark that EMS does not ship to the Netherlands...


Dear friend,

First, I want to explain to you, because there is no direct flight to Netherlands ,so we can't send the package to you by the EMS directly,the only method is to deliver the package by air-express ,and it will need pass by several countries,both air-express and water carriage.to adopt air-express to send your package, not only need more time,(about 20-40 days) ,but also cost more than double EMS shipping cost.in the fact, furthermore the sake of the easy lost of goods,So ,to be safe, we choose that cancel the trade friendly.


best regards!




Which makes me laugh since i have received numerous packages from China as well as Japan sent via EMS...


Warned the buyer not to engage in any out of ebay transactions.




well, if your friend will decide to buy one still, tell him to be careful with "aged" swords, with some rust or something alike. when i was very "green" i purchased fake NCO sword as original. I didn't start any issues, because it is much easier to get edged weapons to Lithuanian than to ship. i simply put it in the corner as example of my stupidity :). after some time i took the "sword" from scabbard and it was full in rust! it seams that they use kind of acid in order to age them. So, if your friend will be such tell him to clean the sword and put some oil.

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