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Hyotan kogo


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Hi all,


I wanted to share a little gem that arrived yesterday. From the mark I'm somewhat sure the maker is the first generation Kiyomizu Rokubei, but I could be wrong. In any case I think this is one of those peculiar and typically Japanese works that gives me that special tingle.


In the shape of a gourd or hyotan with decoration of a grasshopper or locust. There's a kintsugi repair on the rim of the the inside of the lower half of the case.


Hopefully members find it worth checking out. I posted a topic regarding the calligraphy that's on the (extremely worn), storage box lid which accompanied the incense case. Incase you feel like giving it a try 😃










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58 minutes ago, Bugyotsuji said:

Axel, no marks apart from the バッタ batta image?

Dear Piers,


No, just the locust praying on the poor person's gourd. It has a potters stamp on the bottom that matches the first generation.  I'll add better pictures in an hour or two. Only now do I realize how bad the photos are:doubt:

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Dear Piers,


I'm ecstatic that the calligraphy of the box seems to match this kogo! Your vase sounds worth a look too, any chance you can post a photo?


Regarding the stamp on this incense case. The following is the references I have for the first generation Rokubei. I think it matches, though on this kogo the bottom of the hexagon seems to be not fully impressed.




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On 7/14/2022 at 1:57 PM, Bugyotsuji said:

Incidentally the rim is needing a kintsugi repair. Do I dare attempt this myself? :ph34r:

Dear Piers,


Apologies for the delayed response! Looks like a nice vase, I like the decorations of insects. The snail is doomed!😂 The bands on the top and bottom are quite elaborately painted as well. My guess would be either from Kyoto and surrounding lands or Kutani ware.


I actually went through my reference archive for the signature but no obvious match. If I find out I'll add it later. 


Regarding repair, as it is a vase and not something you put your lips to, I'd go with doing it yourself. Also on the rim is easily accessed so you can always try again should it not work out. 


Doesn't necessarily have to be done in conjunction with lacquer ware either, though generally that is what people prefer as it is the way it's been done since the invention of kintsugi. Though in tensile strength and finish, one could accomplish the same with a two component glue. Let me know what comes of it!

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